Working to clean nesting areas gets underway
As the bird nesting season approaches, Beach Buddies says it will be concentrating its efforts in the coming weeks on two of the most sensitive areas of coastline for seabirds.
Up to the 1st of April, when access is restricted to parts of the coastline in the northwest and around Langness, volunteer cleaners will be helping to clear away marine litter to make the sites as safe as possible for the birds.
Items such as fishing line, polystyrene ropes and pieces of plastic are of particular concern.
The Buddies will be targeting such waste tomorrow morning (Sun) when they meet at 10.30am at Smeale. Over the coming weeks they will cover all the coastline between Blue Point and the Point of Ayre and also down south at Langness and Derbyhaven.
As usual gloves and all necessary equipment will be provided - and all volunteers are welcome - new and old.
The charity is now close to reaching 7,000 volunteers who have been involved since its launch in 2013.