Peter Eagles announces he will retire in October
The Bishop of Sodor and Man will retire from the role later this year, more than six years after taking up the position.
Peter Eagles will step down on 28 October, and with his wife Gail - who has also served the Diocese - will return to England to be closer to his family.
In a letter published on the Diocese website, the Bishop says there is rarely a good time for a bishop to step down, but he believes now is the right moment.
He goes on to say: "The past few years have been a time of huge change in the life of the world and of our Island.
"This has been characterised particularly by the pandemic of COVID-19 and the ensuing lockdowns, out of which has arisen a less confident society, challenges to social cohesion, and an acutely steep rise in the cost of living.
"The pandemic has accelerated the development of technology by perhaps five years. Our Island has been immune to none of this, nor to the effects of the war in Ukraine.
"In addition to those global influences, we have engaged here with a number of moral and spiritual issues in public life, and indeed continue to do so.
"As I look to enter my seventh year as Bishop, I see that God’s task for me has been to navigate these challenges, to maintain our ministry and faithfulness in the gospel, and, quite simply, to support our clergy, people and parishes.
"It is not for me to say whether I have done that; but I believe we are in as strong and healthy a place as we can be, and that we have remained faithful and generous in God’s service."
The retirement will also mean a change in Tynwald, as the Lord Bishop sits on the Legislative Council.