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Andreas Commissioners to install new dog poo signs around the village

Wednesday, 6 March 2024 07:00

By Emma Draper

It's also received donations to go towards a new children's play area

Andreas Parish Commissioners met last night, and Clerk Maureen Callow had updates for the board on plans for a new play area in the village.

A private donation was sent to the commissioners which would cover some of the cost of the new park and this was accepted by the board.

The clerk also confirmed Ayre United has donated a sum of £500 to the commissioners, which was raised at a mhelliah [melya] with the stipulation the money was given to a cause in the parish.

It’s estimated to cost £85,000 and could feature a wheelchair accessible roundabout, swings, a slide and a climbing frame.

The local authority has also approached the Manx Lottery Trust for funding towards the park.

Dog fouling in the village was raised as an issue by a member of the public, and some new signs have been drawn up by Commissioner Jimmy Allison.

Commissioner Jackie Faragher said there are 10 dog poo bins around the village, but people should be able to buy their own bags.

It was also confirmed there are no dog byelaws which the local authority could enforce, instead the matter would have to go to the police who can fine someone up to £1,000.

The board agreed that signs should go up at both ends of Church Lane as that is where it’s the ‘worst’.

It was agreed unanimously that the signs be installed around the village and any effects will be monitored.

An officer from the Department of Infrastructure outlined plans for a new scheme for local authorities who are having issues with road safety management.

The officer said all local authorities will be asked what areas need to be looked into, and what solution is preferable for the community.

She confirmed a pedestrian crossing such as a zebra could cost in the region of £155,000, and any new signs, including speed or give way, are around £400.

The board agreed it would fill out the form with the issues that come up the most, which it said is a 20mph zones throughout the village.

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