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'Ambitious' economic development plan received by Tynwald

But MHKs question substance, balance and data collection

Tynwald has backed a new plan aimed at fostering a ‘sustainable and thriving economy’.

The court has received the Department for Enterprise’s plan for 2024-2025.  

It focusses on expansion into new sectors, supporting businesses to ‘thrive’ and attracting skilled workers to the Island.

It also includes the development of the Isle of Man's first national artificial intelligence strategy.

But the department plan for 2024-2025 didn't sit well with all members.

Setting out the document in Tynwald yesterday (21 May) Enterprise Minister Tim Johnston promised to collaborate on matters of 'national importance' including transport links, regeneration, skills and childcare.

He claims the plan is a 'strategic road map' 'aligned to the Island Plan and Economic Strategy' to 'foster a sustainable and thriving economy.' 

But it wasn't entirely well received. 

Despite praising the department's efforts in raising the economic profile of the Isle of Man MLC Bill Henderson took aim at the handling of the hospitality crisis:

He was the only LegCo member to speak about the DfE's plans with MHKs - including those who've taken up a new political alliance - keen to share their views on the floor of the court. 

Douglas Central's Chris Thomas felt the document lacked substance:

Douglas South MHK Claire Christian said she felt there was a lack of balance:

And Onchan's Julie Edge went a step further to say she believed some of the data was skewed:

Responding to the concerns Mr Johnston - who appeared in Tynwald remotely - acknowledged his department's plan is 'ambitious' adding they will strive to do better in terms of sourcing and driving data led decisions.

Tynwald members voted to receive the plan 23 to 5.

You can read the plan in full HERE.


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