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Access road to The Roundhouse to cost £230k 

Friday, 13 September 2024 06:29

By Local Democracy Reporter Emma Draper

A permanent pedestrian crossing will also be installed soon

The cost of the works to create an access road at The Roundhouse will be £230,000.

It’s been a subject under dispute between itself and the Department of Health and Social Care.

The figure was revealed when Braddan Commissioners met yesterday (12 September).

Following the conveyance agreement at last month's meeting, the board received a notice of the cost and drainage work that will need to be carried out.

The clerk said there are two methods a ‘gravity’ system or bypassing the system and joining up to manhole cover on Ballaoates Road and into the Manx Utilities system.

£15,000 has been put forward by the commissioners to support the cost of drainage works.

Also on the agenda was a ‘memorandum’ to be signed about the installation of a permanent pedestrian crossing on Braddan Road.

There are currently temporary lights to comply with planning regulations which Commissioner John Quaye said was requested in an ‘illogical’ place.

An issue raised by the clerk was that the government and local authorities can’t enter into a ‘memorandum agreement’ and a lot of the document was blank.

However, Chair Andrew Jessopp said it’s currently costing the local authority £750 a week to have them and the agreement should be signed.

Leaky windows in the Mullen Doway housing estate have been fixed.

Previously there had been issues during periods of heavy rain, however it was resolved during summer and the commissioners had to wait for some rain to be able to see if repairs had worked.

The clerk confirmed that the contractors had finished, and six flats had been affected by the faulty windows.

A query was raised by Commissioner Neal Mellon about ‘idle driving’, he said he’d seen an increase in vans and lorries leaving their engines running on Ballaoates Road and Strang Road.

Mr Jessopp said it could be designated but if its enforced, the commissioners may get ‘abuse’.

Braddan Commissioners will next meet on Thursday, 26 September.


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