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Speeds of 1GBPS before 2019?

Manx Telecom aim for 13% coverage

A Manx communications company is aiming to provide broadband speeds of up to one gigabyte per second to some parts of the Island by the end of this year.

Manx Telecom has announced plans to roll out its 'superfast fibre broadband' this morning (Fri 20), which it says will help the Island "keep pace in the technology fast lane".

The first two areas to take advantage of the top speeds are Athol Street, Douglas, and the residential area of Reeyt Ny Sheear by Johnny Watterson's Lane.

The company hopes 13 per cent of the Island will have access to these speeds before 2019, with 84 per cent of the Island receiving 100 megabytes per second.

CEO Gary Lamb claims the technological advancements will bring a "whole new world" of possibilities for Manx businesses", as well as attracting more firms to relocate here.

However, he believed it may not be "economically viable" for the private sector alone to provide sufficient investment in infrastructure for the whole Island, particularly rural areas, to access such speeds.

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