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Senior FSC official to give talk

The Association of Corporate Service Providers has organised a seminar with Michael Weldon of the Financial Supervision Commission.

Mr Weldon, the FSC's head of supervision, will provide an update on the organisation's rule book requirements, and cover matters of interest arising from on-site visits and annual compliance returns. He will also outline the FSC's 2011 agenda.

Sponsored by Barclays Wealth, the seminar will be at the upper hall, Loch Promenade Church in Douglas on Thursday, January 13. Registration will be at 12 noon for a prompt 12.30pm start. The presentation is expected to finish at approximately 1.30pm, subject to the number of questions and contributions from the audience.

The seminar is free to staff of member firms and associate members of the ACSP. Full-member firms with up to five staff may apply for a maximum of two places; firms with between six and 15 staff, up to five places, and those with 16 or more staff, up to eight. Individual corporate members are guaranteed a place, and corporate members may apply for a maximum of two places. All bookings are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

For bookings, contact Antonia King, at aking@acsp.co.im.

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