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Metro Bank talk for CIM

'Metro Bank - revolutionising banking in the UK' is the topic for the next Chartered Institute of Marketing meeting.

The speaker is Anthony Thomson - co-founder and chairman of Metro Bank and chairman of the UK Financial Services Forum.

Metro Bank plc is the first new high street bank in the UK for more than 150 years.

The spiel says it offers unparalleled levels of customer service and convenience, open seven days a week, 361 days a year.

This event will explore how this retail banking model, created by Metro Bank's founder Vernon W. Hill, has apparently revolutionised banking in the United States and is set to revolutionise banking in the United Kingdom.

It will be of interest not only to financial service professionals but to all marketers interested in discovering how successful business models used in one sector or market can be translated successfully into different sectors or markets.

The talk is at the Sefton Hotel on Wednesday next week (October 12).

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