On Air Mannin Line Andy Wint | Noon - 1:00pm

Farmhouse decision overturned

A farmer in Jurby has been given permission to build a house at his farm by DoLGE Minister John Shimmin.

Mr Shimmin overturned a planning committee decision to refuse permission for the house.

The couple argued they needed the house to be nearer to their livestock but planners said the farm wasn’t big enough to justify the extra building.

Planning Inspector Neil Holt said although the site was suitable for a house, he agreed with the planning committee.

Edward Oldham reports (text, below, from attached audio file):

Mr Holt said guidelines from the Department of Agriculture, fisheries and Forestry hadn’t been met for the new house, as the holding wasn’t large enough.

However, the farmer said he had been given a grant from DAFF on the basis that the farm was of a sufficient size.

Mr Holt recommended the appeal be refused and the proposals turned down.

But Mr Shimmin said even if the farm wasn’t big enough now, it soon would be.

He allowed the appeal, giving the couple permission for the new house.

Clip 1

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