M and P Legal event at Palace
Law firm M&P Legal is holding a Manx employment law update seminar next week.
The event, on Tuesday 19th June at the Palace Hotel, Douglas will look at some recent labour law developments in the Isle of Man.
Head of M&P Legal employment unit Advocate John Aycock says there have been some very interesting local tribunal and court decisions on employment law recently, including dealing with how settlement agreements are negotiated, the growing category of ‘worker’ status allied to the gig economy and whistleblowing related claims.
The Isle of Man’s employment market is also facing significant new legislation in the Equality Act 2017 and the General Data Protection Regulation.
Speakers include advocate John Aycock and Chris Brooks, trainee advocate Amelia Quinn and Industrial Relations Officer Julie Bradley, with an address from the Isle of Man’s newly appointed Equality Adviser Dawn Kinnish.
The half-day seminar is being held at the Cushag Suite of the Palace Hotel starting at 9.00 am on 19th.
You can reserve a place by emailing seb@mplegal.im or calling Sandra Burrows on 695800 or by completing the booking form at www.mplegal.im.