Call for exhibitors to sign up for event
Employers from the private, public and third sectors are being invited to take part in the Island's biggest annual careers event.
Employment and Skills 2016 will be held at the Villa Marina in Douglas on 10 November, and the deadline for organisations wishing to exhibit is 19 August.
The event is open to job seekers of any age, whether searching for full time employment, a career change or researching opportunities.
It offers local firms an opportunity to showcase opportunities in the Isle of Man, and meet potential recruits - who can ask questions in an informal setting.
A joint venture by DED and the Department of Education and Children, it has proved popular in the past with secondary school pupils and adults alike.
Employers can find details of the event and an online application form at the government website gov.im or contact event organiser frances.hampton@gov.im or by phoning 693830.