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Geoffrey Boot (2015)

House of Keys by election for Glenfaba on September 10, 2015.      

Constituency: Glenfaba (2015)

Personal Details (2015)

Full Name: Geoffrey George Boot

Married: Yes to Suzie Boot

Children: 4

Age on day of election: (born 1953)

Place of Birth: UK

Hobbies and interests: Politics, Aviation (Air racing particularly), Shooting, Fishing, Environment generally including gardening, travel, food and wine

Audio (2015)

Interviewed by John Moss, broadcast on Thursday, July 30, 2015

Interviewed by James Davis on Mandate, on Tuesday, 08 September, 2015


Constituency debate featuring candidates standing in Glenfaba – Geoffrey Boot & David Talbot – chaired by Roger Watterson on Sunday, September 06, 2015


General Details (2015)

Occupation: Chief Executive Manx investment company with UK Subsidiary, Chairman AOPA IOM, UK AirProx Board Member. In addition I hold a number of committee and board positions mainly aviation related.

Previous political experience: Served on various local authorities in the UK, not just as a member but Vice Chairman, Chairman and Mayor. Been a member of Planning and Licensing Committees, chaired a Constituency Boundary Review Board. Stood for election in the IOM 2006 and 2011. Commissioner in German since 2012 including Chairman and Vice Chairman. Much political experience across and have attended all major party political conferences, involved in lobbying in the UK, Europe and Internationally.

Independent candidate: Yes

Political Affiliation: No affiliation but Conservative with a small c by inclination


Why this candidate wants to be a member of the House of Keys: I have now reached an age where I have acquired a lot of experience building businesses, dealing with legislation and regulation and feel that it is now time to give something back. A frequent complaint of Manx politicians is their lack of business acumen. Its difficult to get involved in politics when you are young with children and have a career to build but I now have the time to devote to the task. I still have a lot of commitments but my pledge to the electorate is that most will go if elected and the roll of MHK will be my main occupation. At the end of the day if you want something done ask a busy person.

Letter to constituents (2015)
Manifesto (2015)