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Castletown (2011)

House of Keys general election on September 29, 2011.

About Castletown (2011) 
Castletown was the capital of the Isle of Man until 1864, when the distinction was transferred to Douglas. The House of Keys headed in the same direction ten years later, although the building where sittings were held is now a museum operated by Manx National Heritage. The town is best known for the medieval castle from which it takes its name, where John Kewish was the last person to be hanged in the Isle of Man (for killing his father) on August 1, 1872. In living memory, Castletown has always had a single MHK, with two men, Sir Joseph Davidson Qualtrough and current member Tony Brown, holding the position for 71 of the last 90 years. Mr Brown was first elected in 1981 and was returned unopposed in two of the last four general elections.

Number of Constituents (2011)

Number of Seats (2011)

Census Information (2011)
In the most recent census, in 2006, Castletown had a population of 3,109. Sixty-five per cent of those people were eligible to vote, and the turnout in the constituency in the 2006 general election was 62.17 per cent.

Candidates declared (2011)

Returning Officer (2011)

Mr J B T Stanley
Kelly Luft Stanley and Ashton,
2 Sydney Mount,
Corner of Circular Road/Bucks Road,
Douglas IM1 1QD.
Tel: (01624) 674316
Email: Mr J B T Stanley

Polling Stations (2011): Open 8.00am to 8.00pm

Polling District 1: Castletown 1 (COUNT) - Civic Hall, Civic Centre, Castletown

Polling District 2: Castletown 2 - Committee Room, Royal British Legion Hall, Janet’s Corner, Castletown