She scanshoil, briwnyssyn coaignagh, as stiureyder
Ta Bing Er-lheh Tinvaal er chlashtyn ny smoo mychione stayd vingaghyn ayns cooishyn-leigh Manninagh - y cheayrt shoh veih ard-phrofeshoonee leighagh.
Y Lhiass-Turneyr Theayagh John Quinn as Y Stiureyder Shual Richard Butters, hug ad feanish roish y ving, ec eaishtaght fastyr Jeheiney (y nuyoo laa jeig).
Mastey'n chaghlaa dy chooishyn hug ad roish, va fondid ving shiaght persoonyn yn Ellan cosoylit rish ving lesh daa phersoon yeig, chammah as corrymid.
As loayr Mnr Butters son traa liauyr mychione scansh briwnyssyn coaignagh ayns cooishyn-leigh.
Unanimous verdicts important, says director
A Tynwald Select Committee has heard about the state of juries in Manx court cases - this time from senior legal professionals.
Acting Attorney General John Quinn, and Director of Prosecutions Richard Butters, presented evidence to the panel in a hearing on Friday afternoon (19th).
Among the variety of topics put forward were the effectiveness of the Island's 7 person jury compared to a 12 member body, as well as impartiality.
Mr Butters also spoke at length about the importance of unanimous verdicts in trials.