Group urges tramway to be 'left alone'
Infrastructure Minister Phil Gawne says he believes if he'd gone to Tynwald with a scheme to keep the horse trams along the whole length of the prom, he would have lost the vote.
Mr Gawne was speaking after a package of measures were approved in Tynwald this week which will see the service run from Strathallan to the War Memorial in 2017 and 2018 and talks continue with Douglas Council to transfer the depot, trams and horses to the Department of Infrastructure.
But it was South Douglas MHK Bill Malarkey who successfully called on Tynwald to ensure the horse trams continue to run the full length of Douglas Promenade in the long-term.
Whilst he supports Mr Malarkey's move, Mr Gawne felt if such a suggestion had been in his original proposal, it could have backfired on him
However, secretary of the Manx Electric Railway Society, Julian Nutter, says Mr Gawne HASN'T secured the trams for the future and the MERS has been consistent in its demands for protecting the tram service as it is: